Inside Out 2


“Hi! I’m Anxiety”

Creative, brilliant and even more emotional, Inside Out 2 is an absolute triumph from PIXAR that continues Riley’s coming-of-age journey as she learns to discover her sense of self and encounters the complex emotions she’ll experience along the way, with equal amounts of heart and humour to place this proudly alongside its predecessor.

Discussion Points: 

I’ll be honest - I was anxious. A sequel to my favourite animated film, favourite PIXAR film and third highest rated film personally of all time - to say my expectations were high is an understatement. And so I am genuinely thrilled that PIXAR have delivered another mature, complex and beautiful film that perfectly captures the early emotional stages of puberty and all the messy complex and overwhelming emotions that follow. When we come of age, we become further entrenched in our sense of self - who we are and the beliefs that root that identity. Inside Out 2 brilliantly continues to conceptualise the abstract mind with brilliant visual gags and genuinely creative approaches to depicting the complex psychology being explored. From sar-chasms, to bottled emotions and repressed memories that come flooding back in, to brainstorms and big ideas - the mind is ever expanding, and yet the sequel doesn’t loose its own identity and instead builds upon its predecessor, instead of trying to supplant it. The new emotions are so clever, but we still get to spend ample time with the original five as they journey through Riley’s mind and are reminded of why they do what they do - it’s all for Riley. Maya Hawke is a standout new addition as Anxiety, whilst Amy Poehler continues to bring rich depth to Joy. If we lose our sense of self, we can lose our joy as well, and that theme made me weep as it deeply resonated. I laughed, I cried, and I am absolutely stoked that Inside Out 2 is a fantastic film! Even more emotionally complex and just as heartfelt and humorous! Feeling a lot of joy right now.


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